Let me start with the fact I am notorious for my disorganized, messy office, so I’m writing this article as much for myself as I am for you.
So many people moved home full-time during the pandemic began 3 years ago; many have continued working from home full-time to this day. While it was a easy transition to some, to other it’s taken a toll on their productivity, and maybe it’s time to take the spring cleaning spirit to your home office.
1) Remember It’s An Office – Home offices can easily become the catch-all for mail, bills, kids soccer gear, golf clubs, etc. If your home office is truly your work station and you use it regularly, treat it as one. No superfluous junk items, boxes or clutter. It is your temple to do work.
2) Reasonable Minimalism – In a perfect world, your office would consist of a clean desktop, your computer, printer, and organizing pieces, but there are some things you use all the time. If you use a notebook, box of envelopes, roll of stamps, etc on a regular basis, don’t let organization impede efficiency, but don’t be afraid to have a place for them when you’re done.
4) Different Areas, Different Tasks – If you do regular tasks requiring different spaces, organize appropriately. Be it a computer station, mailing station or research station, consider if your work flows from one task to the next and plan accordingly.
5) Don’t Forget Your Health – We no longer live in the days of the vanilla workspace. If you have back issues, consider a Varidesk that can be used standing up. It’s a rare person who couldn’t use more steps, there are plenty of apps on your phone or computer that can remind you to take a break and stretch your legs. If you want to make posture a priority, consider a resistance ball instead of your standard desk chair.
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