Real estate is the fantasy of many a 9-to-5er, stay at home mom, or anyone who wants a reason to abuse alcohol full-time. “I can make my own schedule!”, “The income potential is unlimited!”, and my favorite, “I love houses!” have been led to many ephemeral real estate careers. But what does it take, and why is the rate of attrition over 90% in the first 2 years?
Getting your license takes time and dedication but it’s not arduous. Why do so many fail? Ask yourself: Why am I doing this? Your answer may decide your fate as a top producer or just another inactive licensee.
Money – This isn’t derogatory towards people who like the money. I like money. No Money No Funny. That said, every agent goes through dry spells. When weeks stretch into months without paychecks, those in it for a buck tend to lose focus and move onto the next “unlimited income potential” Job.
I Like Helping People – When working with great people, it’s the best job in the world. You’re making a difference and being well-paid. But you’re not going to always work with great people, and you’ll soon find out the depths to which some will stoop for money. I’ve seen people I respected turn do dishonorable things – it’ll make you question human nature altogether.
I Love Houses! – Some agents specialize in certain niche homes, in fact I’m trying to break into the mid-century modern market. However, they ain’t Frank Lloyd Wrights and you’ll see your share of unimpressive homes.
I Can Make My Own Schedule! – Yeeaahh… In reality, a Realtor’s schedule is whenever a client has time and needs them. That includes nights, weekends, while you’re on vacation, etc. Making private time is a challenge.
If you are considering a career in real estate, call me. I’ll give you what insight I can, we’ll discuss your situation, and I’ll give you what advice I can. Plus I’m looking to grow my team. If that interests you and we seem like a fit, I’d love to explore the idea, but regardless I promise you to give you the best advice I can.
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