After seeing the Geodesic Dome Institute halfway between Dallas and Waco a million times, how could I not do an article?
The Geodesic Dome was developed in 1954 (patented in ‘65) by Buckminster Fuller, and were billed as the strongest, most economical, lightweight structure that could be built. Constructed from a complex network of triangles which create a self-bracing framework, this unusual design is used from storage sheds to multi-million dollar homes and buildings.
They may not be pretty by the standards of most. Frankly, they can look pretty silly depending on the structure, but no one can knock their durability and relatively low-cost of construction. They are often sold as prefab structures, but can be made to-order. They boast impressive survival rates against severe weather, and are exceptionally energy efficient… unless they’re made of glass in which case they’re called greenhouses.
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